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Everyone presents their final project plans in detail.

We now have 4 classes left before the final crit, and I’m going to use them to explore some code ideas that people wanted to cover, by building minimal simulations that use some of these, along with some notes. This week is scope, arrow functions and modules.

I’ve made a demo simulation that we’ll develop over the next couple of weeks, which includes a number of different ideas. It’s a simulation of foraging for herbs in the park, which I’ve been doing over the past few weeks. So far, it’s pretty simple (you just pick herbs and put them in a bag), but will become more complex as we add in different ideas.

The code for this demo can be downloaded here, or using:

git clone
cd foraging-sim

lecture: questions of scope

In this class, we’re going to take a closer look at scope in Javascript: when and how different variables are made available in a program. We’ll discuss the difference between global and local scopes, talk about this and function invocation, and we’ll also cover modules.

We’re onto the kind of code that, if you’ve been comfortable with the material covered so far, this is a good time to think about and improve the way you write code. Modular syntax can be a really useful tool in writing larger and more efficient, elegant projects, and hopefully can also save you a lot of time!

If you’ve found the class material so far challenging, however, you don’t need to use any of these ideas to make your final projects. However, it’s good to know about them, and these notes aren’t going to go anywhere.

scope basics

Javascript has 2 kinds of scope: global scope (where a variable is accessible anywhere in the code), and local scope (where a variable can only be accessed in a specific context).

consider the following:


function printFruit() {
	const fruit = apple;



const fruit = apple;

function printFruit() {



function printFruit() {
	const fruit = apple;



function printFruit(fruit) {


Functions A) and B) both work, but in A), the scope of fruit is local, and in B), the scope of fruit is global. The code in C) does not work: fruit is scoped locally, and so cannot be used outside the function.

In function D), fruit is used as an argument to the function. Function arguments are also only scoped locally: trying to log fruit outside of printFruit here will get the same result as C).

Which is better? In general, it’s always best not to create global variables unless you have to. D) is the best solution here, as it allows us to call the function with a different argument each time, while using only local scope.

This relates to the principle of least privelege, a computer science term for giving processes access only to the specific pieces of information that they need. In our case, well-scoped code is more efficient, easier to read and debug, and less likely to break.

For more on scope, this blog post has a really good overview.


Because variables are locally scoped in functions, when we want to get a locally scoped variable out of a function, we need to return it.


function add(a, b){
	const sum = a + b;

add(10, 11)


function add(a, b){
	return a + b;

const sum = add(10, 11)

In the above example, A) doesn’t work, because sum is locally scoped to the function. B) uses the return keyword, allowing the function to ‘return’ a value: in this case, the sum of the 2 numbers. By declaring the function result equal to a variable, the value calculated inside the function can now be used elsewhere.

the this keyword

What is this? We’ve seen it around before, often when we execute event methods:

$('div').click(function(){ console.log($(this).id) })

In JQuery, this refers to the DOM element that is tied to the event listener. Using $(this) selects the object that was interacted with, and can be used to manipulate its properties. JQuery’s this is actually a little special, as we’ll see below.

More generally in Javascript, this is pretty slippery as the rules for how it’s defined change depending on how something is called. We won’t look at all of these today, but this blog post has a really good overview.

The this keyword refers to the current context that the function is operating in. In most normal function invocations in Javascript, this refers to the Global context.

function printThis(){


Will print the same context each time.

For object methods, this is different:

const myObject = {
  printThis: function() {
const message = myObject.printThis();

Now, it prints the name of the object method, instead of the function.

arrow functions

Arrow functions are a special kind of ‘anonymous function’. There’s a number of reasons that programmers like them,

core syntax:

(argument1, argument2... ) => {
	//some code

If arrow functions are written inline, you can also leave out the curly brackets. If you do this, the results of the expression are what is returned by the function. Consider the following:

const add = (a, b) => a + b;

this function takes 2 arguments (a and b) and returns their sum. This is a much more syntactically elegant version of what we had above.

Arrow functions do not have their own execution context: it’s simply inherited from wherever the function is called. Thus, this, and any arguments, will be the same as in the parent function.

when is an arrow function a great idea?

1 lists

If you have a list, an arrow function is ideal!

arrow function + array method = a great combination:

const words = ['hello', 'WORLD', 'Whatever'];
const lowercaseWords = => word.toLowerCase());

Remember that list of useful array methods from a few weeks back? All of these use arrow functions.

2 promise chains

Arrow functions are also really useful in promise chains (and, indeed, we’ve already met them in fetch requests). Here’s the fetch request from the notes.

  .then((response) => {
    return response.json();
  .then((myJson) => {

when is an arrow function not a great idea?

Things like event methods, where the function context is important. In particular, using in combination with things like jQuery’s this keyword (where this refers to a DOM element) are generally best to use with functions. For example:


$('div').click(() => {console.log($(this).attr('class'))} )


$('div').click(function(){ console.log($(this).attr('class')) })

A) will return undefined, whereas B) will return the class of the div. This is because the arrow function here will be scoped for the outer scope: e.g. this is the window (which has no attribute class), whereas the anonymous function in B) will have this as the scope of the particular div.

ES6 modules

Each module has its own top-level scope, making them a really effective way of handling scope in Javascript. Things have to be explicitly imported and exported between modules to use them, meaning there is far less confusion caused by global variables.

Some JS frameworks, like Node, and React and Vue all use modules by default: browser compatibility for modules, however is quite recent (and is still not supported by Internet Explorer).

For this part of the tutorial, we’re going to look at the simulation demo. For an alternate (and more extensive) tutorial, MDN’s JS Modules notes are really good.

In order to use a JS file as a module in HTML, use the following syntax:

	<script type="module" src="assets/js/park.js"></script>

This will include the ‘top-level’ JS module park.js in my HTML.

(NB: importing jQuery as an ES6 module is a little fiddly and I haven’t done it here, instead included it above the park script in a regular script tag.)

importing and exporting

Let’s open up park.js. At the top, we can see the following line:

import { plants } from './lib/plants.js';

This imports a variable named plants, from another JS file. Note that plants.js is never included in the HTML file! Instead, it’s imported as a separate module.

If we look inside plants.js, we see the following:

export const plants = [
	//plant info

Let’s create a new variable inside plants.js (say, vegetable):

const vegetable = 'carrot'

If we try and log both plants and vegetable in the main code, we see the following: plants is printed successfully, but vegetable is undefined. Vegetable is global in plants.js, but that scope is not transferred to park.js. Instead, we need to explicitly export and import it:


export const vegetable = 'carrot'


import { plants, vegetable } from './lib/plants.js';

exporting functions

Just like variables, functions can also be exported. Try exporting this from plants.js

export function printPlant(plant) {

strict mode

Modules automatically use strict mode, a mode in Javascript that adds in some rules to prevent ambiguous and buggy code. This guide gives a summary of all of the rules that exist in strict mode: the main one that causes errors when you start working in strict mode is that you aren’t allowed to use a variable without declaring it first.

In vanilla JS, it’s possible to (though very inadvisable) to do:

num = 3

This will create a globally scoped variable (even if this statement appears inside a function) called num, equal to 3. If you do this in a module, it’ll give you an error. (this is one of the reasons that JS programmers prefer modules)

If we add such a line to our printPlant function from before:

export function printPlant(plant) {
	vegetable = 'carrot';

We see the following:

ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable

using modules on localhost In order to test modular Javascript on localhost, you need to set up a server. This is because most browsers don’t allow access to the local filesystem (for security reasons), and the way that modules are imported in JS will throw the following CORS error:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: 
The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote 
resource at file:///path/to/file 
(Reason: CORS request not http).

The solution to this is to make a small HTTP server to serve your site. Have a look at index.js in the files to see it in action (and if you need a reminder of how HTTP servers work, go to week 5)

This error doesn’t occur when you host it online (as the files are being hosted by a server automatically), so you can just use the docs/ folder like a normal static site.

in-class assignment

The code for this assignment can be downloaded here, or using:

git clone
cd foraging-sim
npm install

To run the code, do:

node index.js

To complete this assignment, you should each try the code out, but you should work on the problems collectively, and make sure that everyone is on the same page. If one person is stuck and you understand, try helping them before you call me over.

  1. As a group, go through the code. To ensure you understand how it works, try the following:
    • check that the code is running on localhost:3000
    • instead of rendering the plant symbols in the main screen, make the code render the names of the plants
    • change the color of one of the plants to red, by editing the plants.js module
    • print the name of each plant every time a plant is clicked on (note: you do not need to add a new function for this, look at the functions that are already there)

    If your group has issues with these, call me over and I will help.

  2. Create a new module, people.js, that contains an array of objects called people. Each person in the array should be represented by an objecy, with a name, and an emoji that represents them. Import this array into park, and randomly add people at the same time as the plants are grown. Use the plants module as a guide.

  3. Replace the contents of countPlants (line 12) with a single-line arrow function. countPlants takes in the name of a plant, and calculates the number of plants of that type in the bag. (clue: have a look at the filter array method)

  4. instead of having it as a global variable, make bag into its own module, and import it into park. (if you get stuck, this stack overflow question should help)

  5. replace countPlants with a function that calculates the totals for all of the plants in the bag, again using an arrow function (clue: have a look at the reduce array method). This function should return an array, each element of which should be an object containing the plant name, and the number of that plant. Display this information in the bag display, rather than the current list.


due 04/26
start developing your final project in earnest, and document your progress as you go along. start by thinking about the basic infrastructure. What requests will you make? Can you build a minimal prototype that performs most of these tasks? come to next class with at least one aspect of the system prototyped.

What kind of things should I be thinking about? At this point, you should be refining a model of the system that you’re building. While (likely) more complex than the system you’re simulating, Francis Tseng and Fei Liu’s documentation for their project Humans of Simulated New York


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