hello studio!
let’s get to know each other, and discuss the websites you brought with you.
- what do you find interesting about this site?
- what kind of role does it play in your life?
- what would you do to change its design?
- what would you do if it no longer existed?
we will go through syllabus outline, learning outcomes and discuss assignments.
- assignment #1: (lab) HTML
- assignment #2: (studio) metaphor
- assignment #3: (studio, midterm) parasite
- assignment #4: (lab) command line interface
- assignment #5: (studio, final) TBD
we will discuss policy for absences, lateness and deadlines.
- lab: max. 2 absences
- studio: max. 4 absences
- no late assignments will be accepted
we will discuss how and when we will give feedback, office hours, contact details.
we will write a determined and intentional code of conduct together.
- what do we expect of each other?
- how do you learn best?
- how should we approach critique?
assignment: web archaeology - use the wayback machine to explore the history of a site of your choice, to be presented on Thursday’s class.