core interaction section C
2528 PUCD 2125tue+thu, 9-11:40am, room 1011
gary zhexi zhang
01/21 hello studio!
01/23 what is the internet?
01/28 user ⇆ environment
01/30 introduction to prototyping
02/04 semiotics and the web
02/06 documentation and research
02/11 interaction ⇆ feedback
02/13 feelings, slow and fast
02/18 group meetings
02/20 assignment 2 crit
02/25 what is the web?
02/27 cybernetics and design
03/03 introduction to midterm assignment
03/05 console
03/10 parasite group work (first remote class)
03/12 parasite groupwork
03/17 spring break - no class!
03/19 spring break - no class!
03/24 No Class
03/26 No Class
03/31 Midterm Crut
04/02 design (as) ethics
04/07 introduce final assignment
04/09 composing a critical glossary of interaction
04/14 individual meetings
04/16 individual meetings
04/21 group discussions
04/23 group discussion
04/28 work session
04/30 work session
05/05 work session
05/07 final crit!
2535 PUCD 2126fri, 4-6:40pm room 1013
agnes cameron
01/24 hello lab!
01/31 building the house
02/07 painting the house
02/14 remodelling the house
02/21 hello js!
02/28 intro jQuery
03/06 browser extensions
03/13 cancelled :(
03/20 spring break - no class!
03/27 cancelled :(
04/03 objects and arrays
04/10 input ⇆ output
04/17 object orientations
04/24 work session
05/01 refactoring
> 05/08 final class